
  • Sharing is Caring.

    A colleague recently recommended I listen to an episode of a podcast called The Happiness Lab by Dr. Laurie Santos, but I accidentally listened to the wrong one. It was called “Caring What You’re Sharing.” I can’t really say it was an accident though, because the message actually helped solidify some thoughts I had swirling around. I’m inclined to believe there was a reason I listened the “wrong” episode. Have you ever watched a movie with someone, and that person falls asleep? Or maybe when two of you go to dinner, but the other is on their phone? Think about how those circumstances make you feel. A little ignored? A…

  • Judgments & Assumptions.

    I should have majored in Psychology.  Every time I ponder a subject for a post, I think about how the topic relates back to so many different emotions.  It takes me for.ev.er. to write a post because my thoughts are going a million different directions, and it’s hard to simplify into something you’d want to read.  (This is with the assumption that you actually find what I write interesting…) For this post, I started thinking about assumptions.  I read somewhere, some place, that our brain compartmentalizes new information with like known information in order to help us process.  (That’s the gist of what I remember.  I read this a long…

  • Expectations.

    I had several conversations this week that essentially revolved around expectations.  Each conversation was unique with different circumstances, different personalities, different goals, and different intentions.  So when I said intentions don’t matter, I was kind of lying.  But really, it all depends. In one conversation, we were talking about how a specific person has a reputation of over-promising and under-delivering.  The consistent under-delivery has now become my expectation.  Whether he cannot produce due to intentional or accidental circumstances, it doesn’t matter.  The habit formed has shaped my opinion of him, and I now find him unreliable and untrustworthy.  This will ultimately lead to a dissolution of the relationship, unless he…

  • Good Things.

    After I posted about The Little Things, I got to thinking about it. Little things add up to big things when those little things are good habits too. It’s in our nature to dwell on the negative, but when you take a moment to reflect on the positive, you will find there is so much good in our world. And when you recognize the little good things, it creates big things like gratitude, appreciation, love, and happiness. They say emotions are contagious like viruses. Do you want to be the flu? No. You want to emit positivity. (Although if I’m being completely honest, I’d kind of love the power to…

  • Conflict Resolution.

    There is a man that I respect who is very intelligent but typically has bad delivery. He has these great ideas and points to make, but his thoughts are scattered when he speaks and sometimes just listening to him and/or conversations with him are hard to follow. He recognizes this about himself and even pokes fun at himself for it. I went to a meeting with him, where he vocalized his opinion and literally got laughed at. In a room full of professional adults, this lady legit lol’d during his commentary.  After the meeting, he said to me, “I said what needed to be said. I don’t really care if…

  • Capitol Visit.

    The United Fresh Washington Conference recently ended, and I am so bummed to miss it. Last year was my first year attending with Class 24, and it was an awesome experience. I had been to Sacramento to speak to our legislators before but never to DC. My first trip to DC was in 8th grade, and it was a terrible experience for reasons I won’t get into now. But also, I just did not appreciate the history and magnitude of what I was witnessing and experiencing. As a Mass Communication and Media Studies major, one of my favorite parts of visiting DC was the side stop I made to visit…