Humans are an interesting species, aren’t they? Trying to wrap my head around the social behaviors occurring during this pandemic has my mind running overtime. I mean, I’m not surprised with some of the things that are happening. Humans are social animals who conform in response to perceived pressure from others. That’s basic psychology. But here’s a fun video to demonstrate just because:
What has surprised me most about this situation is the positivity. So many people are truly trying to make the best of this situation and are trying to spread joy throughout their communities.
I’ve seen videos of teachers parading through neighborhoods in a caravan to see their students. I’ve seen small pop-up “give a little, take a little” spaces in people’s yards. There are Teddy Bear Scavenger Hunts, neighborhood exercise classes, and FaceTime game nights. I mean, if these small gestures don’t give you a little faith in humanity, I don’t know what will.
Personally though, I’m feeling it too. I miss physically being around people I care about – and this is coming from someone who supports 6’ social distancing being implemented always! (And I’m only partially joking.) But there is something to say for the energy that we bring when we physically occupy mutual space. And this is perfectly summed up by one of my favorite leadership quotes from John Maxwell:
People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.
Scientifically speaking, matter makes up everything in the universe. When matter is in motion, energy is too. Just as we feel the energy of the sun’s rays when it’s warm outside, we can feel the energy of a person when they are happy or sad or angry – whatever emotion you want to throw in.
If you want to get super science-y and geeky, “The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body…The magnetic component of the heart’s field, which is around 100 times stronger than that produced by the brain, is not impeded by tissues and can be measured several feet away from the body with Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) based magnetometers.” (Heartmath)
I mean, how freaking cool is that? You literally do feel a person’s vibe. It is scientifically proven! So when Taylor Swift sings about magnetic fields, she really is on to something. 😏
While the efforts being made to connect virtually and distantly helps, it does not substitute our basic human need to be intimate. (Intimate in the definition of being close by association or contact – for clarity. 🙄)
Those of you who know me well are probably like, “But Lacy. You are the least qualified person to talk about this.” Yeah, I get it. I’m not a touchy, feely person. I’m not a hugger. But I am human! Geez. And just because I may not want to hug you, doesn’t mean I don’t want to occupy the same physical space. (Which kinda sounds inappropriate, but whatever.)
When we meet others in person, we unconsciously perceive body language, facial expressions, and even odors that give us valuable information over and above the words being spoken.
Paul Zak, Trust Factor
And this is exactly why I am the best person to talk about this. Because I’m not a touchy, feely person, I rely on these non-verbal cues to connect. Our neural engagement is higher as you perceive the situation using all your senses. You become more vested in building a relationship with someone from in-person interactions.
Because I’m an introvert, I believed that I didn’t need social interaction to the extent that others might. Man, was I wrong. But like anything, sometimes you don’t know what you have until you lose it. Fortunately, there will be opportunities for us to connect in-person soon enough. And I, for one, will be taking in those interactions a little more meaningfully than I had before. I mean, I might actually come out of this a hugger. 🤣