If you remember, melancholy is defined as a “sadness or depression of mind or spirit.” As we are well. over. 6 months into this pandemic, melancholy seems to still accurately describe my mood. I feel like my spirit is curled up in the fetal position, tucked away in a small corner of my heart. It’s gone into hibernation through this pandemic, and I am consciously sad that my spirit is depressed.

Regardless of political beliefs, the fact is that our government is dictating what we can do, how we can do it, and with whom we can associate. People need people, and we are literally being told to stay away from each other. If we look at the 3 dimensions of loneliness in a pie graph, we need connection with those in our intimate, relational, and collective spaces in order to feel whole. But our relational and collective spaces have been pushed into non-existence, we are only getting a small sliver of the connection we need.
Research has found that one does not voluntarily become lonely. When we feel on the verge (or in the midst) of social isolation, it increases our motivation to connect with others while also increasing our motivation to go into self-preservation. In other words, isolation makes us feel vulnerable. While we crave interaction with others, we also feel more susceptible to social threats. Our bodies and minds are not meant to sustain social isolation for long periods of time. Loneliness can increase physical and psychiatric risk factors including, but not limited to: depression, alcoholism, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, high blood pressure, diminished immunity, and decreased sleep.
I am not trying to downplay the severity of this virus, but I am genuinely concerned about the long-term effects this is going to have on us, as social beings. Forget about what everyone else is or isn’t doing; what they should or shouldn’t do. What do you need? What do you want? What do you feel?
Strip away all of the noise, and listen to your inner self. Great leaders look inside and heal their own hearts, before they lead outward to help others heal theirs.
Lorenz Sell wrote a piece on the human Spirit for the Huffington Post and said, “The human spirit offers us the capacity to persevere in pursuit of truth.” He defines truth as “the deepest desire in our heart.” So, the human spirit offers us the capacity to persevere in pursuit of the deepest desire in our heart.
Well, that’s just great. 😒 How is my human spirit supposed to persevere when it has gone into hiding?
The answer: My spirit is not actually hiding, it is taking time to heal.
My little spirit has been persevering through the last, what? 9 months of a global pandemic. It’s like, “I’m tired. Give me some time to re-energize.” And that’s okay. It’s the pause that keeps us alive.
Sells continues, “Not knowing how to move forward, being stuck in limbo. It’s painful and can make the strongest person want to quit.” While, yes, we have vaccines, we are still a long way away from returning to any sort of “normal.” People will be recovering from this pandemic, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, etc. well beyond 2021.
If your spirit needs a break, give it a break. Lean into the sad and melancholy emotions for a while. The only way to get through those negative feelings is to embrace them, so we can move on from them. Some of us may need to stay with the negative emotions longer than others, and that’s okay too. But be mindful of how you care for yourself. If you are going to embrace the sad, do not eat junk food. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, get exercise, step outside for fresh air. There are healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with a depressed spirit.
Hang in there, friends. 💖